Koninklijke Drukkerij EM De Jong

Koninklijke Drukkerij EM De Jong recently completed a second-hand RTO from Belgium! This is to replace the current afterburning installation, which is no longer effective. The physical relocation and connection of the RTO have already been completed by a fellow company.

Since the company's production process in Belgium differs from that of Drukkerij EM de Jong, adjustments will be needed to the RTO to ensure that it functions optimally.

In addition to the functional adjustments, when installing an RTO in the Netherlands, an EBI will also have to be carried out to check the part of the RTO that processes gas.

CERVITECH BV has carried out inspections and measurements of the RTO to obtain an accurate picture of its current condition. This made it clear what the exact status of the RTO is. CERVITECH BV carries out the EBI and adjusts the RTO to comply with the standards applicable in the Netherlands. The adjustments are carried out step by step during planned production stops, to prevent production downtime.

This project started on November 15, 2023 and will be completed on December 24, 2024.

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